Healing Sound Immersions
(Sound Baths)

Instruments used in sound baths include:
Gongs, Pythagorean Tone Generator, Bar Chimes, Wind Chimes, Singing Bowls, Drums, Ocean Drum, Mini Harp, Rattles, Steel Tongue Drum, Sansula, Crystal Singing Bowls, Monochord
I do small groups (maximum of 5) at my home and also events for larger groups at various venues.
Immerse your inner being in the ocean that is sound. All sound arises out of Silence, and to Silence it returns. During the Sound Bath various instruments will be sounded; then, in the Silence that follows, you will absorb the vibrations, leaving you refreshed, balanced and harmonised.
The stressful world we live in destabalises us in many ways. We all need a means of maintaining a healthy balance of our body, mind and spirit. From time immemorial, indigenous cultures throughout the world have used sound for healing.
Regular exposure to the magnetic qualities that sound healing instruments create, increases our HEALTH, HAPPINESS and STABILITY.
At the beginning of the session you will also enjoy a guided meditation that quietens the mind chatter, so that we open to the emotional balancing and harmonic sound intervals that literally flow through us.
Sound Baths are suitable for all levels of experience. You will quickly enter into meditation without even realising. If you have never meditated before, know that you are in a safe and nurturing space.
Everything about sound healing is in line with your natural process. It's really simple ... and sound baths have a cumulative effect making us more resilient to the challenges that life brings.
Some benefits of Sound Baths include:
• Create a state of deep relaxation, to calm the mind and release
• Decrease stress and anxiety levels
• Improve sleep
• Increase clarity of mind, awareness and insight
• Re-harmonise, physically and mentally
• Reactivate dis-eased cells and parts of the body
• Stimulate quicker recovery from illnesses, wounds, and invasive
medical treatments
• Enhance concentration and creativity
• Remove blocks and toxins
• Improve sense of hearing
•Awaken higher states of consciousness, and a deeper connection with your true self